Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Prepaid Mobile Phones

I find prepaid phones to be one of the most common and most annoying of all of the gizmos out there nowadays. Almost every bad driver that you see out there on the road, narrowly swerving to miss a pedestrian at a cross walk is busy talking on a prepaid cell phone. Whenever you hear people walking down the street, talking loudly to themselves, they are not crazy, but in all likelihood, talking to their friends on prepaid mobile phones. The guy who is crashing your small, intimate get together and bringing all of his annoying friends to your party? He is getting in touch with them over his prepaid mobile phone. Lets face it, the prepaid mobile phone may have done some good things, but all in all it has made our society suck more than ever before. And that says a lot.

Now, I am not a Luddite, and I do see some of the advantages of owning and using a prepaid mobile phone. It is so convenient. You can get in touch with anyone, anywhere, and at any time, provided that they own a prepaid mobile phone as well. But all of this convenience does come with a very hefty price tag attached, if you are to ask me. It means, first of all, that you can never be on your own without someone out there disturbing you on your prepaid mobile phone. And if you do not feel like talking to them at that very moment, they will think that you are being rude and intentionally ignoring them. What happened to solitude, to meditation, to contemplating the world around you? I will tell you what happened to all of these things: the prepaid mobile phone happened.

And that is to say nothing about what the prepaid mobile phone does to intimate occasions. Who here does not know what I am talking about? Who has not been to dinner with a close friend or romantic interest whose prepaid mobile phone has gone off in the middle of the meal. Rather than ignoring the distraction and getting back on with the conversation, many of these people will actually take the prepaid mobile phone call, ignoring their friend at dinner. Can you think of anything more rude? It is one step away from picking up a book and refusing to converse for the rest of the meal. In some ways it is worse, because the person across from you has to hear your conversation.